Foreign language S.O.S: short-term intensive courses

Soon you’ll be facing an interview, an exam or a holiday abroad and you’re looking for the best way to learn in a short amount of time.
Try our SOS foreign language program aimed to maximise your time.
We don’t sell miracles, only effective intensive language courses.
Foreign language SOS: what is an intensive language course?
The SOS foreign language program is a short-term course which focuses on specific objectives: learning the basics of a language, improving professional communication and fortifying grammatical rules which are the building blocks of any language.
There isn’t a magic formula to learn in a short time but willingness and motivation are fundamental.
First of all we need to focus on the learning targets based on the evaluation of the factors listed below:
- The individual’s level of the language
- An assessment of the length of time required for the individual’s specific needs
- How much time can one dedicate to this project
Learning stages
A short-term goal needs prioritising over other commitments in order to succeed,
especially if there’s only a limited time available due to a deadline, a pre booked-trip abroad, a scheduled meeting or an interview.
To ensure a successful learning outcome it is fundamental to learn the verbs and to build a basic lexical range.
Do you want more information?
Contact us via email or phone us
We’re open Monday through Friday
from 8.30 to 12.30 AM and from 2.30 to 6.30 PM